I will be taking the "go-there-just-to-lim-jiu" package. Which means whilst the rest are doing stunts on their wakeboards, yours truly will be kicking up his heels with a large cup of whiskey in his hand.
Not that I haven't tried my hand at it, the wakeboarding that is. Just that I always get slammed into the water when the cable starts to yank me off the platform. After my 4th try, I was bleeding from the nose. Thus ends my dalliance with an extreme sport.
It's safer on land, I gathered. Whiskey in hand, preferably.
I remember the first time I met this dude. There was something different about him, I couldn't place my finger on it at first.
Then it hit me, his hair was straightened. Rebonded. Yeah that's what they call it.
He even tried to convince me to do it. I looked back at him in disbelief and mouthed "WTF?!"
A Gooner supporter too, it was not that difficult to get friendly with him after a while. Always dressed in his best, even on casual days, it would be safe to call him a fashionable guy. On my trips overseas it is not unusual for me to help him look out for his favourite tees and/or footwear. Sibei hiao...
There's no one better to rock out at Wala Wala than with this guy. He knows most of the rock classics there is, and then some. People around us are mostly amused when we start jumping up and down rocking it out with The UnXpected. He cheekily mimics those around us, who prefer to sit still and nod politely along while the band is belting their hearts out on stage, by cupping his hands under his chin.
I get a good laugh from that, but I tell ya Shai, someday you are gonna get into trouble with that.
Happy Birthday, Shaiful!!
Bro.... Thank you. I am overwhelmed.
No prob. Pics wil be up soon.
Runs in the family. I can't wakeboard either. My hip still hurts from my attempt. Bleagh
Never give up, Spunky and Ah Tiong...
When you can stand on the board, it's orgasmic...
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